General Technics
Aerial image of GT members forming a "GT"
[Taken from a digital camera in a hydrogen ballon controlled by Chris Oesterling
during the 1994 Berzerker.]
General Technics is a loose organization of science fiction fans who
are interested in do-it-yourself technology. GT was founded in 1975
and still thrives through such activities as convention parties,
Berserker Weekend gatherings, an electronic mailing list, and our
fanzine, Pyrotechnics.
Pyrotechnics -- The Now and Then Newsletter of General Technics
With approximately 3 to 4 issues a year,
Pyrotechnics is a publication of General Technics and is
Copyright © 1994-1996 by the individual contributors. All rights are
reserved. All rights revert to those contributors upon publication except
in regards to reprints Pyrotechnics may make to sell and pay its bills. Because
of those bills, please do not copy or distribute Pyrotechnics in any form without
written permission of the Editors. The ideas and opinions expressed in
Pyrotechnics are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the editorial staff, General Technics, or the Universe.
Who are General Technics?
Members of GT can be found all over the Internet.
- B. Gabriel Helou, Truly, One Hell of a Guy
- Audrey V. Helou, She Who Must Be Obeyed
- R. J. "Bob" Trembley, Hacker at Large
- Virginia G. Kasten, Web Slinger
- Dawn Kuczwara, Web Slinger Extraordinare
- Eric S. Raymond, Hacker, Archivist
- Moshe Yudkowsky, Secret Master of Hakosot
- Andrew B. Peed, I Web, therefore I am?
- Marshall Muller, Pushing the Frontier of Battery Technology
- Jean Jambas, Dancer, Free Spirit
- David J. Ifversen, King Under the Mountain
We also have a chat room which is nearly always empty.