Interesting things that happened March 13th:
Birthdays on this date:
In 1733 Joseph Priestley (in England), chemist, minister, intellect
In 1781 Johann Wyss (in Switzerland), author
In 1914 Sammy Kaye, bandleader
In 1931 Rosalind Elias, opera singer
In 1939 Neil Sedaka, singer songwriter
In 1953 Deborah Raffin (in Los Angeles, CA), actor (7th Heaven)
In 1954 Robin Duke, actor (SNL, Groundhog Day, Club Paradise)
In 1956 Dana Delaney, actor (China Beach, Exit to Eden, Spin)
Events worth noting:
+ Discover Uranus Day
In 1639 Harvard University was named for clergyman John Harvard.
In 1781 Planet Uranus was discovered by Sir William Herschel.
In 1852 The New York Lantern publishes the first cartoon showing the
character "Uncle Sam," based on a real U.S. officer who served in the
war of 1812, Samuel Wilson.
In 1868 Impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson began in the Senate.
In 1884 Standard Time was adopted throughout the United States.
In 1888 The Great Blizzard of '88 continues.
In 1901 Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd president, died in Indianapolis.
In 1906 American suffragist Susan B. Anthony died.
In 1925 Tennessee law prohibits teaching of evolution.
In 1928 400 people die in California after the St. Francis Dam burst.
In 1938 Famed attorney Clarence S. Darrow died.
+ Germany annexes Austria.
In 1964 Kitty Genovese stabbed dead at 2:30 a.m. 40 people witnessed the
attack in Kew Gardens; no one called the police.
In 1969 Apollo 9 returns to Earth.
In 1970 Digital Equipment Corp introduces the PDP-11 minicomputer.
+ 4-day strike by SF city employees starts.
In 1985 Funeral services held in Moscow for leader Konstantin Chernenko.
And remember ...
Foot Health Month
International Hamburger and Pickle Month
National Frozen Food Month
National Furniture Refinishing Month
National Nutrition Month (US)
National Peanut Month
National Women's History Month
Red Cross Month
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